Mentors, Coaches, Counselors, Spiritual Advisers, Energy healers,
Alternative Health Care Professionals and Individuals
Why the Intention Oracle?

The intention oracle will focus your thoughts to real situations that are important to you, related to any aspect of your life.
The intention oracle will help to erase anxiety, doubt, and fear associated with change, release and acceptance.
The intention oracle can increase the body’s natural healing potential, enhance the subconscious mind’s ability to heal and create the pathways for change and attraction.
The intention oracle will connect you with the energy of intention and help to create balance in your life.
The intention oracle will help you to strengthen and balance your chakras, clear your negative thoughts and emotional blockages.
The intention oracle will help you apply principles and skills related to intention that can be used in any situation in your life.
The intention oracle provides a simple concept for creating your statement of intention.

Studies have shown that the power of intention is magnified when you write a statement to reflect your intention.
It is important to recognize that merely reciting or writing these words and phrases is not enough.
In order for this to work, one must believe in their potential power. The power of written words, for initiating intentions and taking actions, are tools. They work with the subconscious mind in order to create an effect. The effectiveness is the creation of an imprint to your thoughts. Our thoughts are the gatekeeper and the first step in the creation of your individual realities. The cause and effect of your written words can depend largely on your ability to get out of your own way and let your subconscious do the work. Our doubts and fears are the biggest obstacles to the healthy, happy, and abundant life that we wish to achieve.

First, concentrate on clearing your mind. Visualize a clear blue sky and use that visualization as your trigger or mantra to find a blank space in your collection of thoughts. Then, gather your negative thoughts, feelings, or emotions that may prevent you from being able to achieve your highest goals and disallow them in your mind. Release these negative thoughts to create a cleansed pathway for your current intension to flow open and freely.

As a Mentor or coach, you may want to encourage others to be more aware of their intentions and help them to create intentions that are more powerful, positive and clear.
When you create a statement of intention it is important that it be clear and precise. Inspire yourself - be positive, open and grateful. Be fully engaged in the present moment, seek balance with love in your heart.

Sit in a relaxed state. Identify the subject or situation. Create a brief intention (phrase or words that represents your intention) ask yourself if your written intention is positive and enforcing.
To become proficient at this you need to practice. The best practice is to identify a wide variety of subjects and situations – little or big, emotional or neutral, fun or serious – at work or at play. Be as precise as you can. Be in your language. Don't spend all your time wordsmithing your intention. Be sure to choose words that appeal to you and your life.
When your heart and head resonate with your intention, the universe handles the methods & routes opening the roads and pathways for you. An intention that aligns with your heart's desire is a powerful force. Take time to align with your inner guidance before stepping forward.
When choosing your pathway words, think about what you would surround, protect and drive your intention with. (ie: peace, abundance, love, forgiveness, belief, open, confident) . Try to relate your pathway words to your intention.

The use of crystals for achieving and transmitting energy has been used since the awareness and discoveries of ancient Mesopotamia. Today's modern idea of this ancient technology is known as radionics. Radionics is a science developed and used by NASA and has been used to transmit healing energy to astronauts while in space. Clear quartz crystals, amethysts and other known crystals with healing qualities, placed in your intention oracle will emulate devices and methods used for distant healing. Many guide and reference books have been written on this subject. Try using radionics or distant healing as your key word search on Google.

We are all connected to a conceptual universal consciousness, from one end of the universe to the other, from the beginning of time until the end. All connected & wrapped up in an energy ball of movement and momentum driven by this collective of thought and our own core intentions and heart. An intention exists for every thought and every action taken has a direct and indirect cause and effect. Action follows intention which becomes thought – thought invokes creation with infinite possibilities and potential. When you add emotion (ie: love, belief, generosity, forgiveness) to the recipe, energizing begins to feed the intention and a spiritual manifestation of your thoughts begins to have effect on your directed intentions.

The use of words and phrases are a historically deeply rooted tradition
The Bible is filled with passages that point to the use of sacred words and phrases that were used for healing the sick, creating food and wine, casting out unclean spirits. Jesus was believed to used a system of spiritual phrases, called the Paradosis, in order to pass his knowledge on to his disciples. he whispered these words into their ear and they were able to raise the dead, heal the sick, and repeat some of the miracles that Jesus himself was believed to perform.

Write your intention on a post it note provided in your symbolic heart shaped box.
Place post it note under intention oracle on glass plate.
Place intention oracle on top of glass plate, you should be able to read intention through bottom of oracle.
Put pad and pen back in heart, symbolizing packing your heart with the tools to drive your intention.
Take a dry marker and print your pathways with chosen words – one on each panel of the oracle.
Remove candle insert from oracle, light candle using safety precautions
And place carefully back in oracle.
Repeat the written intention aloud giving clarity and power
which imprints your intention to thought.
Save used intentions in bottom of heart until intention has manifested.
Be aware of the trigger effect that the lit candle produces each time you enter the room.
It instantly recalls your sacred message and strengthens the imprint into your thought.
Take the time on a daily basis to benefit from your intention oracle
and the intentions that you create.