Anti-Inflammation Program
Club Rejuve's independent practitioners offer a new specialized approach to support your body's natural abilities to reduce inflammation, pain and fibromyalgia. The medical approach treats symptoms but seems to not be concerned with explaining or resolving the underlying causes of modern health problems. Club Rejuve's independent practitioners help you to address the underlying components of health concerns, as will be explained at the end of this article. But first, some explanation for better understanding.
Almost all modern health problems and chronic pain conditions are related to "chronic inflammation". Chronic inflammation is inflammation that is persisting out of control. The inflammatory process itself is actually one of the body's healing processes. The body has one main tool for healing everything ... and that tool is circulation. Any area of the body that is injured and/or harmed by germs or toxins (especially heavy metals) needs more circulation. The brings more white cells to fight the problems, plus more oxygen from the red cells, plus more nutrients from the bloodstream.
Increased circulation is also necessary for cleaning away damaged cells, waste, toxins, and dead germs. So, any area of the body that is having a problem sends signals to bring in more circulation. The increased blood flow makes the area warmer also... therefore the term "inflamed" is used.
If the inflammation process gets the correct signals and nutrients, plus if the cells get energy they need in order to repair the heal, there will be a progression from eliminating the cause of the problem... to doing clean-up and repair... and then the inflammation is over.
If the body does not receive the healing nutrients, but instead is being fed processed foods with chemical additives, refined sugar, fried fats, etc., and being exposed to pollution,... these substances actually cause and/or add to inflammation. Therefore instead of proceeding towards healing, the inflammatory process gets worsened and gets stuck in "chronic inflammation". Thus pain and disease linger and spread.
So, we need to avoid the things that cause and/or add to chronic inflammation and instead energize and support the correct resolution of the inflammation process.
Pain occurs in any area of the body that is harmed by these factors:
-physical injury
-germ damage to the cells and nerves
-toxins and/or heavy metals (mercury, lead, arsenic, etc.)
-chronic inflammation
Chronic Pain occurs when there is continued harm and when these factors have disrupted circulation to the area. The resulting lack of oxygen produces 'mild-suffocation' to the area, and that adds to chronic pain. These factors also disrupt or block the flow of lymph, nerve messages and energy (in the form of electron flow) to the area, thus adding to the chronic pain.
Fibromyalgiarefers to a rheumatic disorder of pain and inflammation in muscle fibers and neuromuscular connections in several areas of the body simultaneously.
It has been discovered that there is an association with previous nervous system trauma either from physical injury (especially car-wrecks, whiplash, head or neck injury), or from excessive stress to the nerves. This may be emotional-mental-and/or physical abuse, or from exposures to virus, candida, germ waste, toxins especially heavy metals. It is as if the nerves (which are actually conductors of electrical signals) were overloaded and "fried". These injuries and exposures may have been back in childhood.
There is also a component of poor sleep, again due to nervous problems and/or imbalances of the endocrine gland hormones. It is during "deep" sleep that the muscles are relaxed, cleansed, repaired, and refreshed. If a person does not get enough deep sleep, the muscles are left full of cell waste & toxins which results in muscle ache. Plus, the muscle cells are not refreshed enough to perform normal functions of metabolism and energy production in order to perform daily tasks.
In fact, it has been observed that due to the underlying component of the nerves being "fried" that during sleep, even then tiny amounts of electrical signals passing through the neuromuscular connections are still triggering micro-movements of the muscles all night long. In other words, the muscles are not actually relaxing... and so are not cleansing, repairing, and rejuvenating.
People with fibromyalgia commonly also have 'chronic fatigue'. Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue add to each other in a downward spiral. Immune system imbalance, digestive system problems including poor absorption of nutrients, and a disturbance of brain chemistry may also be involved.
The medical approach can treat symptoms but may ignore potential underlying causes of health problems.
The usual standard therapies don't seem to produce satisfactory long-term results. Plus all drug medication have side effects.
Club Rejuve's independent practitioners offer a new personally tailored approach to support your body's natural healing powers in order to reduce inflammation, pain, fibromyalgia, etc.
This includes supporting:
-your cells ability to produce energy
-cellular and tissue repair
-your immune system to kill germs
-circulation to bring in more oxygen and nutrients
-lymph flow to carry away wastes
-liver, bowels and kidneys to eliminate wastes
-nerves and tissues to detox heavy metals
-nerves to repair and feel less pain
-brain function and neurotransmitter balance
Club Rejuve's independent practitioners offer new assessment techniques that may help you understand the underlying factors adding to your inflammation and pain. These include:
-Cellular Health Exam
-Oxidative Stress Test
-Cardiovascular Health Profile / Arterial Elasticity Index
Special services include:
-Far-Infra-Red Sauna
-topical infra-red treatment
-OndaMed Pulsed Electro Magnetic Field application
-Rife Energy Frequencies
-Reflexology devices
-Takemi massage
-guided EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique
-EWOT (exercise with oxygen therapy)
-Back-2-Life and Chi-Swing machines
-and others
Get back in the flow of life!
Almost all modern health problems and chronic pain conditions are related to "chronic inflammation". Chronic inflammation is inflammation that is persisting out of control. The inflammatory process itself is actually one of the body's healing processes. The body has one main tool for healing everything ... and that tool is circulation. Any area of the body that is injured and/or harmed by germs or toxins (especially heavy metals) needs more circulation. The brings more white cells to fight the problems, plus more oxygen from the red cells, plus more nutrients from the bloodstream.
Increased circulation is also necessary for cleaning away damaged cells, waste, toxins, and dead germs. So, any area of the body that is having a problem sends signals to bring in more circulation. The increased blood flow makes the area warmer also... therefore the term "inflamed" is used.
If the inflammation process gets the correct signals and nutrients, plus if the cells get energy they need in order to repair the heal, there will be a progression from eliminating the cause of the problem... to doing clean-up and repair... and then the inflammation is over.
If the body does not receive the healing nutrients, but instead is being fed processed foods with chemical additives, refined sugar, fried fats, etc., and being exposed to pollution,... these substances actually cause and/or add to inflammation. Therefore instead of proceeding towards healing, the inflammatory process gets worsened and gets stuck in "chronic inflammation". Thus pain and disease linger and spread.
So, we need to avoid the things that cause and/or add to chronic inflammation and instead energize and support the correct resolution of the inflammation process.
Pain occurs in any area of the body that is harmed by these factors:
-physical injury
-germ damage to the cells and nerves
-toxins and/or heavy metals (mercury, lead, arsenic, etc.)
-chronic inflammation
Chronic Pain occurs when there is continued harm and when these factors have disrupted circulation to the area. The resulting lack of oxygen produces 'mild-suffocation' to the area, and that adds to chronic pain. These factors also disrupt or block the flow of lymph, nerve messages and energy (in the form of electron flow) to the area, thus adding to the chronic pain.
Fibromyalgiarefers to a rheumatic disorder of pain and inflammation in muscle fibers and neuromuscular connections in several areas of the body simultaneously.
It has been discovered that there is an association with previous nervous system trauma either from physical injury (especially car-wrecks, whiplash, head or neck injury), or from excessive stress to the nerves. This may be emotional-mental-and/or physical abuse, or from exposures to virus, candida, germ waste, toxins especially heavy metals. It is as if the nerves (which are actually conductors of electrical signals) were overloaded and "fried". These injuries and exposures may have been back in childhood.
There is also a component of poor sleep, again due to nervous problems and/or imbalances of the endocrine gland hormones. It is during "deep" sleep that the muscles are relaxed, cleansed, repaired, and refreshed. If a person does not get enough deep sleep, the muscles are left full of cell waste & toxins which results in muscle ache. Plus, the muscle cells are not refreshed enough to perform normal functions of metabolism and energy production in order to perform daily tasks.
In fact, it has been observed that due to the underlying component of the nerves being "fried" that during sleep, even then tiny amounts of electrical signals passing through the neuromuscular connections are still triggering micro-movements of the muscles all night long. In other words, the muscles are not actually relaxing... and so are not cleansing, repairing, and rejuvenating.
People with fibromyalgia commonly also have 'chronic fatigue'. Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue add to each other in a downward spiral. Immune system imbalance, digestive system problems including poor absorption of nutrients, and a disturbance of brain chemistry may also be involved.
The medical approach can treat symptoms but may ignore potential underlying causes of health problems.
The usual standard therapies don't seem to produce satisfactory long-term results. Plus all drug medication have side effects.
Club Rejuve's independent practitioners offer a new personally tailored approach to support your body's natural healing powers in order to reduce inflammation, pain, fibromyalgia, etc.
This includes supporting:
-your cells ability to produce energy
-cellular and tissue repair
-your immune system to kill germs
-circulation to bring in more oxygen and nutrients
-lymph flow to carry away wastes
-liver, bowels and kidneys to eliminate wastes
-nerves and tissues to detox heavy metals
-nerves to repair and feel less pain
-brain function and neurotransmitter balance
Club Rejuve's independent practitioners offer new assessment techniques that may help you understand the underlying factors adding to your inflammation and pain. These include:
-Cellular Health Exam
-Oxidative Stress Test
-Cardiovascular Health Profile / Arterial Elasticity Index
Special services include:
-Far-Infra-Red Sauna
-topical infra-red treatment
-OndaMed Pulsed Electro Magnetic Field application
-Rife Energy Frequencies
-Reflexology devices
-Takemi massage
-guided EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique
-EWOT (exercise with oxygen therapy)
-Back-2-Life and Chi-Swing machines
-and others
Get back in the flow of life!